Tuesday, February 19, 2019

MMS Protocol - Day 4 - All About Microbiome

Hello everyone!!!! :)

I'm feeling amazing.  I told you that I just had my 8th child, and usually after so many children, it is easy for women to become sickly and overweight.  But all those lives depending on you makes you want to fight for your health.  So I'm on the protocol myself.

On Sunday (Day 2) I fell asleep midday for about 5 hours, very strange, but not strange.  It was normal for my feminine time, and so I brushed it off.  Only, once I woke up, I felt like I had been exercising my whole body and had cramping.  The kind of cramping that isn't in a muscle, just like an overall pain from exercise.  It quickly subsided when I had a glass of water, but it took about 20 minutes to recover from it.  I asked my husband to bring me some organic spinach leaves and olive oil and pink Himalayan salt.  I ate 2 whole plates of it before I got out of bed.

So I was doing some research and found out that the intestines is actually like our brain. Check this out:

This is crazy right?  But if this MMS Protocol is helping to cleanse microbials in the body, then that gives you a new start at life.  It's no wonder that I have been feeling so positive the past few days.  I literally sit up straighter.  The second day I felt a little tighteness in my belly muscles.  I noticed that I wanted to suck in my belly a little bit again, a feeling I had started losing after my 4th child was born.

Another great result I have so far is that my arms are getting slimmer, which tells me that I was actually Swollen in my arms, and not just "fat".  I feel healthier all over, and all of the muscles in my body feel like they are waking up.  I am feeling more free every hour when I drink the water.  I LOVE the protocol so far.  So cheap, so helpful :)

The protocol can be found online here.

Diet Change

The most difficult thing for me is to change the way I eat.  I feel the desire to eat both healthy and unhealthy foods.  I'm used to cooking fried chicken and fries.  I ate chicken and fries this morning and took a glass before I cooked and another glass after I ate, which by chance, was an hour apart.  I feel GREAT right now.  Thus, I am here, typing in my office to tell you about it.

I hope to give more cool testimonials soon.

For now, I would definitely say, try it.

Oh, one thing, I had to really spread out the usage of the doses.  I'm an overdosing type of person.  That means, I keep putting 4 drops in my glass on accident instead of 3.  So if I do that, I just miss a dose, and pick back up when I can.  It is vital to me to finish the 3 weeks time, so I won't quit altogether.  I also did do an enema the second day to have a bowel movement.  It helped a lot.

About Microbiome

So if you're interested in taking control of your microbiome, check out this other video also:

Wow.  They are saying that a human being is in an environment that is completely sterile at conception and once they leave the uterus to be born, they are exposed to trillions of microbes.  Also, because there are trillions of microbes in the body, the ratio of human cells to microbes is about 1:1. Whooooaaaaa.....

Nevertheless, I feel like by doing this cleanse, I'm making the atmosphere for my microbiome healthier.  And helping to fight off some of the bad fungi and bacteria so that my actual human cells can thrive in their health.

Okay, well, let's keep learning together, and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

Thanks for reading my blog ;)


Saturday, February 16, 2019

MMS Protocol - Day 1


WPS KIT Accu Drop 3
I am so excited, the MMS and Citric Acid came in the mail today. I watched this video to see what to do.  His voice is like, awesome!

I just took the prescribed dosage, the 1 drop of MMS with 1 drop of Citric Acid, I let the two drops sit together for 20 seconds then added 1 cup of water.  I stirred it together and drank it.

7:30 p.m. 

So it tastes very weird.  And it has been about 3 minutes and I instantly feel energized, maybe a little better already.  I do feel the same as I did when the hospital put me on an oxygen machine soon after my last baby was born due to shortness of breath.  I feel relaxed also.  I think I will take a nap and set my alarm for 8:30 p.m..  No need to stress about it.  The water just feels "healthier" that's all.

I had felt like taking an early nap, but now I feel like maybe I have time for a quick shower before bed.  My thoughts feel like they're coming easier for me, not having to strain to think, brain blur is totally subsiding.  I feel an extra edge to keep my eyes open, as if I just drank something that's totally changing everything.  Taking deeper breaths.  My tummy does feel a bit tight though.  The extreme change does hit you.  The only way I can explain it is I feel younger.  Shower time!

I just heard my computer make a loud noise (battery low) in the speakers.  Running from the back of the house was no problem for me just now (unusual).  The norm for me is to strain to get from there to here since I had my baby, so to feel energetic is amazing.  Excited :)

7:45 p.m.

So I know this is very naughty, but I feel so good that I went ahead and took 2 more drops of MMS with 2 more drops of citric acid.  Since I'm used to taking hydrogen peroxide food grade weekly, I figure maybe my body can handle the shock.  I don't know.  Let's see what happens.  All I can say is yesssirrr!!!!!! Loving it.  Let me go take care of my baby girl lol.

7:50 p.m.

Easy peazy setting her up with BOZ the Bear.  But now I smell the solution in my breath and feel enormous energy welling up inside of my body which can't get to my limbs fast enough.  OMG. I am SO gonna enjoy this shower.  I'll take it again at 8:30.  I'm so energetic that I'm shaking.  Whoa.  I feel like someone who was under anesthesia that is coming back awake, only I was awake this whole time!  My body is completely at attention right now.  I'm nervous that nausea might creep up, but for now, no sign.  If it does, I will drink water.  Great thing about this protocol, it's 8 glasses of water a day! Knock out two birds with one stone haha.

9:49 p.m.

I felt like a million bucks when I took my shower, as if I were suddenly endowed with money.  All of my feeling is coming back to me.  I took it again at 8:45 p.m. and my hubby took it also, he had one drop, I had 4 (I accidentally put a fourth drop in).  I felt great still, and relaxed happily with him as he worked this evening.  I almost went to sleep peacefully at 9:30 but was interrupted by a phone call.  At 9:45, I took it and the flavor of it was so apparent to me, 3 drops in water, and it tastes and smells like pool water.  The good thing about it is, my experience with pool water is, I have drunk Plenty in my life and never died.  Ha!  But this isn't the same level, it tastes much cleaner.  I will still sleep very soon, but I feel so amazing instead of feeling exhausted.  I'm going to sleep because I always go to sleep when the baby sleeps.  So off I go.  Goodnight.  Blog you tomorrow ;)

I hope this helps someone.  Here's more info about MMS :) https://www.cancertutor.com/make_cd/ 


Friday, February 15, 2019

MMS Protocol - Decided to Order This


I have heard the horror stories and the success stories about MMS and the protocol, so I have decided to try this orally.  I will start tomorrow when it arrives in the mail.

The protocol is to drink 3 drops in water each hour for 8 hours per day for 3 weeks.  Activated by 3 drops of Citric Acid.  I ordered it from https://waterpureworld.com/ and it is supposed to be a water purifying agent, but it is also said to be a cure-all for things even as serious as cancer.  Super-pure water.

I have not been taking my coconut oil and apple cider vinegar lately, but I do use it in my food regularly.  The 8th childbearing experience has me a bit overweight, and I lack energy most days.  Therefore, I wanted to try a "stronger" protocol to see if it works.

Nevertheless, if you would like to join me in the experience, jump on and follow my story this next 3 weeks.  I'll keep you updated on if it is helping me or not.  Blessings!


Check out the book by Jim Humble about his miraculous healing testimony and why he even used this.