Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 25 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

The promo pic for the Catalysts 4 Christ video shoot
Good morning! It's my 25th day on this diet, and I am feeling great! Just last night, we did a concert for our group Catalysts 4 Christ's very first music video, and I was jumpin' and hoppin' all over the stage... (it's Rap music). I literally had a blast and my energy endured even after the concert, for a long time!

I slept well and woke up this morning, and my body was a bit tired, so I took the 3 tbsp of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup water and chased it with the 1 cup of fresh water, and I had a little energy. Then, I made some cream of wheat and hot tea and had 1 tbsp of my coconut oil for the day. Already I feel energized and ready to work, and I have cooked half of dinner for the evening also. I got a lot of compliments about having slimmed down since I had had our 6-month-old daughter, and am happy to note that I actually lost 3 pounds finally this week haha! Finally tipping the scale in the right direction... :)

The coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet is this:

1/2 cup of organic coconut oil per day
3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar per day
Some exercise
Anything else I decide to eat.

OK, so today I have a few tips for those trying the diet (especially if you're having a difficult time with it).

1) Try the coconut oil it with orange juice.

If the tea takes too long to boil for your coconut oil and you have to rush out in the morning or something, just get a spoon of coconut oil and use orange juice (or your favorite fruit juice) to chase it down so it will be quick and you will get it in your system. It will melt later on in your tummy and within 30 minutes your body will feel the difference!

2) Use more or less oil.

No worries if you do not use exactly 1/2 cup of oil. If you get just one tbsp of it in your system per day, it will still help your body to kill candida and assist the body's metabolism. If you need extra energy, use extra spoons of oil. The more oil you use, though, the more energy you will have. That can be good or bad. If you are very tired, and you use it, you will still sleep.

*The coconut oil only assists the body by helping its natural processes. It won't throw off your sleep like caffeine would. You will sleep better, though, and wake up more refreshed.

3) Exercise.

If you want to slim down quickly with this diet, I definitely recommend some regular exercise. My first 20 days I did regular housework and some projects but it didn't make me "lose" weight, I only trimmed down. However, my close friends actually lost weight earlier on in their coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet simply because they made the effort to do cardio, Zumba, and aerobic workouts that would help them to slim down and strengthen their muscles.

At first, we feel lethargic and are out of the habit of working out. But after some time of having so much extra energy, the desire to be more active rests in and one simply "must" exercise. I have found that this diet helped change the way my body feels about exercise. It's not as difficult anymore to get started or to break a sweat. The coconut oil and apple cider vinegar also have been helping me with my dancing, I feel more flowing and free when I move.

4) Try apple cider vinegar alternatives.

If the ACV is disgusting to you, there are other ways to get the great benefits of apple cider vinegar in your life. Try the pills, or even the pre-mixed drink as a supplement. The key is to get it in your system and let it purify you from the inside out.

For your reading pleasure, I found a book about money (everyone needs to know about money, especially when you're dropping dress sizes and need a whole new wardrobe!!!):

Have a blessed day! See you again soon :) Here's to a healthy life!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 20 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Me and the family at Olympic Park
This diet has been fulfilling and awesome. To be able to start doing something for my body that makes it healthier and see my friends prospering in it too is more than a Christmas gift. Thanks for everyone who has been supporting me! I actually am the same weight lol. I don't know why. I had been lifting weights and toning and slimming down, but when I got on the scale today at Mama's house, my weight is exactly the same!!! Maybe it's because I just ate a huge bowl of food and I "pigged out" at a barbecue earlier today. I knew I should have weighed myself empty-stomach lol :)

However, since I have been feeling healthier, I won't change the diet. I'll just exercise more this week than last week. There's nothing wrong with doing a little bit more. This week, I will try one of the Zumba videos each day and I'll let you all know which one I chose. It's incredible to me that I feel so much lighter on my feet and desirous to work out compared to 20 days ago. My sentiments are that I am on an upward curve.

Here is the diet:

1/2 cup of organic coconut oil per day
3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar per day
Some exercise
Anything else I decide to eat.

Tips about the diet from concerns I've heard:

1. "Nasty tasting Vinegar!!!" Ok, if you get non-organic apple cider vinegar, use about half of the amount mixed with 1 cup water. The organic tastes sweeter and not as tart as the regular kind. It's something about the way they grow and process the organic vinegar that gives it a lighter taste.

2. "Drinking oil feels weird! :)" If you can't get a hot drink with the oil, you can use something cold to chase it. The point of drink afterward is to help make swallowing the oil more pallet-able.

3. "Half a cup of oil is a lot" It's ok if you don't use an entire 1/2 cup of oil. Just a few tablespoons of oil with tea or a drink a few times per day helps get the oil in the diet. 1/2 cup is just a guide for it.

4. "I went down a dress size" If you go down a dress size, make sure you have some money set back so that you can go shopping for your new body... lol :) my pre-pregnancy clothes are good enough for me, but be prepared!!! :)

For your reading pleasure, I found a book about success and failure:

Failing Forward By Maxwell, John C.

I love John Maxwell, and his heart for people. Though he is clearly a natural born leader, he teaches leadership to those who want to sharpen their leadership skills. He is a motivator and he loves God most of all. This book talks about how to move from failure to success like I need to do hahaha!!! I am just keepin' it real. Props to all my friends whose pounds are slipping off during this diet. I am celebrating with you!!! :)

I love it. I have the strength in me now to work off the pounds, so now it's grind time! I'll see you tomorrow! =D

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 17 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Greetings fellow bloggers!!! Loving this Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet!!! OK, so today lemme reflect on my progress. I started out weighing 175, and wearing size 12 clothes. Now it has been 2 1/2 weeks, and today I am definitely lighter and more light on my feet.

The first morning after I started the diet, I woke up with no body pains. I instantly felt cleaner. I instantly had more energy. Now, my legs are slimmer, my belly mass is decreasing, and I am lighter! I just wish I had a scale to get on so I could report my weight!!!! 

Normally, I would feel bottled up being stuck in the house all vacation with not a lot of funds. But after I started this diet, I didn't care WHERE I was. In fact, I like being home because I have more energy to do creative things here like redecorate, mix and master music, write songs, edit our website, plan, and play with the children. Plus I get a ton of time to pray, which helps with introspection and growth to be in the presence of God. 


Today I felt this rushing feeling like "Oh my Goodness! I need to hurry up and lose more weight!" Then I realized, I am losing weight anyway. I didn't do a whole lot extra to get this far, and as long as I keep up with this diet, I'm going to lose the weight! No matter what I do, I'm still going to lose the weight! Praise God! My metabolism is better, and I burn off whatever I eat. I have also been doing household projects that I used to detest! Haha! Life is better when you have more energy. It just Is. 

List of Benefits of Coconut Oil

Dr. Oz shares that: 

"intake of coconut oil can help our bodies mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. 

Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus, and candida.

Coconut oil can also positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood sugar control. 

People who take coconut oil also tend to have improvements in how they handle blood sugar, for coconut can help improve insulin use within the body. 

Coconut oil can boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance. 

It increases digestion and helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins."-The Surprising Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

List of Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

WebMD shares that:

"Some small studies have hinted that apple cider vinegar could help with several conditions, including diabetes and obesity. shares that with Apple Cider Vinegar in the house you can benefit in many ways:

I hope that you will join me in my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar diet and for those who already have, cheers! I am happy for you that you have added these special ingredients to your daily diet. Here's to excellent health!!!

Have a wonderful day!

Here's my favorite kind of coconut oil:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 16 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Good afternoon fellow bloggers. One word about the Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet: RESULTS!!!!! So I started this diet on Christmas Day 2012. Last night my daughter came in from out of town having last saw me on Christmas Day, and she said my legs are lookin' slimmer and she can see the results! I tried on a dress that I had always thought was a shirt since my Godsister gave it to me, and my husband and I figured out last night, that it was indeed, a dress. Hilarious!

Here's what my friends are saying about the Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet:

"Things are going great. I did a Body Pump class yesterday as well as Zumba. I noticed that I am sweating more which has its health benefits. A friend stopped by today. I hadn't seen her since Christmas Eve. She told me that I had slimmed down since the last time she saw me and asked what I was doing. Of course I shared! Keep up the good work ladies! Cheers to better health!" - Jan 4, 2013

"I really put my work in today , Apple Cider , Coconut diet rocks !" - Jan 7, 2013

"Body Pump on Monday.....Step Aerobics on Tuesday! Alright Wednesday, what's on the menu? What is your exercising looking like? Let's keep it going ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Jan 8, 2013

I'm so excited for us all making the decision to start healthier habits this year. This diet has made things incredibly easier for us simply because the oil gives the body an increased metabolism that actually encourages more exercise!  Now I plan to really put in work between now and next Thursday because our group is doing a video shoot for our theme song that day and I want to be totally prepared for it and feeling great!

Here is the diet: (which I calculated to come down to about $15/mo. to keep vinegar and oil stocked)

1/2 cup of organic coconut oil per day
3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar per day
Some exercise
Anything else I decide to eat.

The thing is, the body pain I used to feel, it's still gone! The heaviness I used to feel and the lethargy? Gone! The "hopeless, never gonna lose this weight" feeling? Gone! I celebrate that my friends have been "facebooking" me telling me that they've gotten their oil and vinegar and are now going to incorporate this diet into their daily lives. For those who have stayed faithful to it, the results are steadily showing up. For me, I'm just glad to see what I see when I look in the mirror looking better and better and know that I'm not being selfish and keeping this "secret" to myself.

For your reading pleasure, I found a book about coconut oil:

This one states that coconut oil "boosts metabolism, stimulates thyroid function, improves cholesterol, helps curb sugar cravings, and aids in weight loss." Woweee!!!!! I have experienced this for myself now!!! It's true! I am so glad and grateful for God giving the gift of wisdom this past Christmas. This is a really great diet. I hope you'll join me.

Have a great day today! See you tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 15 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

My <3 Purity Samiyah W-G
Good morning fellow bloggers! I got like 4 hours of sleep last night with my 2-year-old daughter who wanted to stay up until 3:30am doing little random things like taking out toys, talking to her sleeping sisters, and bringing me her sippy cup every time I'm about to fall asleep... but I love her!!! =D

At 7:35am, I got up and, at about 8:30am when I got back to the kitchen, I drank my apple cider vinegar and drank my coconut oil and Vanilla Chai tea and started mixing and mastering my favorite new song from Catalysts 4 Christ (me and my husband's rap group). It's Tight! Nevertheless, I should probably get a nap.

But I look and feel lighter today. I love the feeling. And I am much more energetic. As well, my desire to change for the better is overall stronger. I have noticed that my propensity to think negative thoughts has gone away along with the drudgery feeling that I used to feel in my body before I started on this diet. I love it! Cheap, simple, and effective. And my close friends are seeing results too. I hope that maybe Americans can all see how easy this is to include coconut oil in their diets and actually become healthier as a nation. Maybe one day, this blog will be a contributor to that cause. God bless it.

Here's the diet, just for repetition's sake:

1/2 cup of organic coconut oil per day
3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar per day
Some exercise
Anything else I decide to eat.

Today I want to talk about something so simple. The difference between Virgin Coconut Oil and Refined Coconut Oil.

Virgin Coconut Oil
Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil tastes sweeter, more authentic, with a strong coconut flavor. It feels a little bit smoother and melts more like coconut on the in-between stage. Some recommend it over the refined version because they feel the refined version may be unnatural.

Refined Coconut Oil

Refined Coconut
The taste of the Refined Coconut Oil oil is pretty flat, in other words, it could be sweet, but it really has no flavor in comparison to most oils and especially has no flavor compared to the Virgin Coconut Oil. Because I use organic coconut oil, I usually use the refined version, simply because it is what is normally available when I go to the store. Also, it is easier to use because the flavor is more neutral.

However, I think for the purpose of this diet, either one should be fine. I've been using the refined version for the length of this diet (15 days so far). If I switch, and feel a difference, then I will report it.

For your reading pleasure, I found a book about coconut oil:

Coconut Oil By Gursche, Siegfried

This book calls Coconut Oil "The Miracle Oil for Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, Weight Loss, and more." Amazing! And last night, my Mama called me and told me that Dr. Oz mentioned coconut oil on his show yesterday. Dr. Oz explained that women should use coconut oil rather than mineral oil for personal lubrication purposes because coconut oil has antifungal properties and does not cause the skin to dry out at length.

Here is an article by Charles Mattocks on Dr. Oz's website about the benefits of Coconut Oil: Awesome read!

Well, that's all for today friends. Have a great day, and be blessed :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 14 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Good afternoon fellow bloggers, today I am loving the results of this coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet. I feel better inside and out. I was focused on losing the weight from my baby belly, but noticed that my curves are more evident, and that I can actually suck in my belly and fit all of the pants I wanted to wear for a long time! Of course, I won't, I'd rather wait a little while since my plan is to actually be slim enough to fit them without sucking in my belly haha :)

Here is the diet plan (so simple):

1/2 cup of organic coconut oil per day
3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar per day
Some exercise
My hair curly with coconut oil in it
(before I flat iron)
Anything else I decide to eat.

Coconut Oil on Hair

Today I want to talk a little more about the hair styling method I do with the coconut oil. I shared in an earlier blog that my I actually use 100% organic coconut oil to moisturize my hair ("nothing but the finest fruits and berries" lol) And I mentioned that I use a thermal spray. I want to also mention that I use a prep conditioner prior to heat styling that works wonders in keeping my hair from flying away or getting frizzy while it is straight. 

Here are the "chemicals" I use:

And when I do my daughter's hair, since I don't like to use conditioner with her (more chances of her getting it in her eyes when she bathes) I use the leave-in conditioner 

Jojoba Flat Iron Cream

These help her hair stay straight longer, and her hair is a little bit more curly than my hair naturally. It has a bit of a stronger smell to it though, so I prefer the conditioner for myself (it's 100% Vegan too).

Basically, just condition, dry, apply coconut oil, and then apply the thermal spray. It helps my thick hair stay straight and dry. I know this is a totally different way of using the oil from the diet, but it's great! I get the supplies from Sally's, and because I am a military veteran they give me a free membership every year. Great city we live in :) 

For your reading pleasure, I found a book about coconut oil:

The Coconut Diet  By Calbom, Cherie/ Calbom, John 

I had this book, and I handed it off to a friend. I had already resolved that coconut oil was great so I wanted to help my friend see it too. This book is so true. Coconut oil really is helping me lose weight while I eat my favorite foods! I love it! Based on the title, I should be slimmer in just 3 weeks, which is, 21 days of this diet! Wow. I'm 2-weeks into the diet, and I don't know if I ever wanna quit! I love it! :) I feel so free and energetic and I actually look forward to eating whatever I like! :) It has recipes in the back too, where you can use other coconut products as well, if you like coconut lol :)

Well, have a blessed day today and I hope this helps somebody. God bless!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 13 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Greetings blog friends :) I'm still trucking along steady on this coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet! :) So today I woke up and realized just how dependent upon coconut oil I've become. Not that I'm addicted, but without using it, I crave for tons of food like a geek and never feel full! Today, I ate a decent-sized portion for dinner and then my eyes got big, and I went back for seconds. Then I decided to do my coconut oil after dinner. Bad choice. I instantly stopped feeling hungry and felt instantly full! Well, great for my appetite breaker, but now I wish I hadn't gotten seconds!!! Hahaha!!! The good thing is that in spite of eating Dirty Rice, Fried Chicken, Black-Eyed Peas, and Cream-Style Corn for dinner, I feel incredibly energized and ready to cut these boys' hair! Also, my mind seems to be very clear. I love it. From now on, I will do the coconut oil BEFORE I eat, and NOT after lol.


I find it relevant to suggest to those trying this diet with me that you make sure to include fiber in your diet so that as it runs through your bowels your body can take full advantage of the benefits of the oil. Grape Nuts or some fiber cereal or fiber bars help a lot with cleaning out the body. Also, fiber helps the body to absorb liquids. You can read more here about the health benefits of fiber:

Here's the diet, for those reading this for the first time:

1/2 cup of organic coconut oil per day
3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar per day
Some exercise
Anything else I decide to eat.

I wish the best to all of you who have started on this diet with me. I will report my weight very soon! That's it for today and be blessed!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 12 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Greetings fellow bloggers! I have been loving this whole blogging thing. And loving this coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet too! Who knew that it would have such a profound effect on the rest of my life? Wow. Not only do I have the clarity of mind to be able to do great tasks but my prayer life is better and also I just feel stronger overall.

So today I decided to try the little recipe on the back of my yogurt that says "add this to your lentil soup." I looked in my cabinet and noticed that I had some organic lentil soup just "sitting there" so I decided to get creative! I pulled both of them out and got a pot ready... mixed them together, and tried it. It wasn't so bad!

My daughter, Keziah
I ate one bowl and had to kinda "make" myself eat the rest. I guess it's an acquired taste. But it was an idea, tried. LOL :) Keziah liked it with me :) she's so sweet :)

Dieting sure does make you try crazy stuff huh? Well, how about kosher wine? Many say that kosher wine is good for you because it has antioxidants and fosters good health and even a good mood. If you don't drink, it's OK, apple cider vinegar also contributes to a healthy heart. And since many of us have apple cider vinegar in our cabinet anyway, here is a site that lists many different ailments that people have found apple cider vinegar to be a cure for:

If you want to use apple cider vinegar, but just tastes too "tart" for you to drink with water, there are pills created to help get them into the system:

Apple Cider Vinegar 300 mg - 200 Tablets
Apple Cider Vinegar Diet - 90 Tablets

Apple Cider Vinegar helped me a lot with heartburn when I was pregnant with my last four children, and coconut oil helped me whenever I would get thrush while pregnant with the last four children. I simply didn't know about these two things when I was pregnant with our first child. Needless to say, I gained about 55 pounds while pregnant with our first child, and I had nausea pretty much every day.

Part of the inspiration to start eating healthy for me came when we had our first son. I was stuck weighing 185 pounds, and at 5'3" that's really bad. I was starting to show signs of high blood pressure and was unable to lose the weight! I felt lethargic and in spite of working out, the weight would not drop. My hubby Kenny's friend gave him a copy of the book "Natural Cures That "They" Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau. Kenny began reading the book to me each night and I started trying to change my eating habits little by little. Our cabinets were filled with a thousand bottles of everything and I even bought coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, odorless garlic pills, a one-person trampoline, B-vitamins, and you name it, we bought it. We bought colon cleanses from the Herb Shop in Adel, Ga. (like Psyllium Whole Husks) and I personally was crazy enough to try iridology (see Iridology Simplified by Jensen, Bernard) and even the colon irrigation! Scary process, colon irrigation is. Won't do it again though.

We later read The Maker's Diet, by Rubin, Jordan, and learned about Kosher foods. Then we switched all of our meats to kosher. Bought organic foods. I started baking kosher chickens for dinner and eating them with Ezekiel Bread. I remember eating Ezekiel Bread with kosher Hebrew National hot dogs and organic ketchup. Delicious! But steer clear of the wheat spaghetti noodles (joke).

The things that I personally took away from the experience: Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil really work. Don't eat pork, shellfish or catfish. Eat high fiber cereals (like Grape Nuts) at least once every few days. Don't mix beef with cheese. Use organic foods whenever possible. Use separate cooking pans for fish versus other meats (like glass pans for fish). Avoid all kinds of artificial sugars. Use sea salt. Don't add MSG to foods. And know what you're eating before you eat it, as much as possible.

For your reading pleasure, I have to share this book:

The Maker's Diet, by Rubin, Jordan

It's a life-changer and was integral in the way that I view foods today. It talks a lot about the kosher diet too, and soil-based organisms, which author Jordan Rubin says helped him heal from a life-threatening disease of the bowels. Very inspiring book with recipes included.

OK, I shared a little bit of my life today hehe :) I hope it helps somebody :) God bless you, and have a great day!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 11 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Greetings fellow bloggers! What an awesome experience with this coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet! The past few days have been amazing, with friends contacting me letting me know that they are seeing success with the diet or thinking about trying it. And I am so grateful to be a part of that journey and y'all be a part of mine. The benefits of oil and fermented foods go back as far as ancient history, and oil and vinegar added to our diets do the same great things for us also. Here's my sis's latest updated on her diet:

"Things are going great. I did a Body Pump class yesterday as well as Zumba. I noticed that I am sweating more which has its health benefits. A friend stopped by today. I hadn't seen her since Christmas Eve. She told me that I had slimmed down since the last time she saw me and asked what I was doing. Of course I shared! Keep up the good work ladies! Cheers to better health!" 

After! (now it's organized :) )
Before (clutter-mania)
As for me, my old "brain blur" continues to be what seems to be permanently suspended. Today, I completed a week-long paper-clutter clearing project that was out of this world to me just months ago! My mind is just clear enough to be able to keep focused on the task! So I thank God for increased memory function since I started this diet. It was like the most awesome Christmas present I could get from the Lord to get the idea to do this, and the blog, and y'all's support has been so awesome! <3

Now that my "huge project" is completed, I can focus on what Really matters: ZUMBA!!!! Haha!!! =D


I will get about 20 minutes of Zumba in tonight and also, I did about 5 minutes of elliptical training yesterday (hard times with the 5 children bein' home) lol. Need Zumba too? Thanks Dalla for lettin' me get that DVD set you always puttin' a sista on! LOL!!! =D I still feel energetic and the most notable thing I feel is clarity of mind. I have been also enjoying the reading of the Bible and if you want to join that Facebook group you can click here.

Now I have to put y'all on:

100 Zumba Workouts That You Can Get Online for Free

Here's a 50-minute workout that you can do right now (the music is low, but it's free!)

Another collection of Zumba videos on YouTube (at Pintrest)

And if you want a Wii game of Zumba: Majesco Zumba Fitness Core Wii 1792

Or an X-Box game of Zumba? Majesco Zumba Fitness Core Kinect Xbox 360 1794

Zumba Toning Sticks
The official Zumba website: You can get the official DVDs there and even workout clothes!

The official toning sticks can be found here:

Here you can get them at Amazon:

Both supplied by Zumba Fitness, so the price is between $13.00 and $24.95 for a set. They make your workout more festive, and if you do it at the local gym, you can bring your own! :)

The cool thing about Zumba is it's being offered almost everywhere nowadays. Valdosta, Ga. has the classes at the YMCA, at the Recreation Center at the corner of E. Park Ave. and Forrest Street, and also other local gyms. I encourage you to find a local gym and get started with some great exercise!

Have a wonderful day, and I hope you'll join me on my journey to wellness with the coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet.

For more diet support, contact me on Facebook!

Grace and peace!

My Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Facebook Group
Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar on Facebook

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 10 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Good afternoon my blog friends. Today I feel good. I had some tension in my neck from some stress and after prayer this morning God healed me and prevented an impending ear infection. So I praise God for that!

This coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet has proven itself way too easy to be true! But it is True!!! Great reports from two close friends who are now doing this diet with me, just a feeling of renewal from the inside out, and reduced appetite, less body pain, and more energy overall. It's hard for me to believe this is only Day 10!!! I been more agile and have more energy for doing "the thing that married people do" too... (hey, had to keep it real)

Here is the diet once again:

1/2 cup of organic coconut oil per day
3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar per day
Some exercise
Anything else I decide to eat

As you can see, I'm running through it quickly. This bottle started off at about half full.

Here is what my sister said to me just yesterday:

"just finish reading this it's my second day of the diet , I'm all smiles sis! I feel better already !"

I noticed that I've been getting questions on fb and stuff, so today I started a fb group for anyone who wants to join me on the diet. I would be honored to have you join me in the group, and even share your experiences on the forum. I am losing weight and feeling great with this really cheap and simple diet plan and I can't help but share this with y'all. It helps me stay accountable too. I love all of the great testimonies. It is wonderful, really touches my heart. We're all doing better and it's just Day 10 for me! :) I love y'all.

Here is the Facebook group page address:

OK, today, with some reluctance (due to some of his bad press), I have to share with you the book that initially inspired our journey into natural health (and eventually this diet):

Natural Cures that "They" Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau

"101 Things to Do to Never Get Sick Again" is the section in the book that gives a listing to things like "Do a Candida Cleanse," "Buy a Rebounder," and "Use a Reverse Osmosis Water Filter."

In essence, it is the first reference I got for a lot of the natural things I still implement today, and it was simple and to the point.

Looks like the price for a used copy of the book on Amazon is as low as $0.01 now, which is way less than we paid for it! We actually bought the book full price and then subscribed to the annual $170 newsletter unintentionally when the whole "fad" was out. Thank God we were married mil-to-mil (both in the U.S. Air Force) at the time. But now the book is available with no strings attached, which is what I like. So I can safely recommend it to y'all. :)

So have a great day today, and I encourage you to go to Walmart and get you some organic coconut oil and apple cider vinegar. Results is the only word I can think of. God bless you and see you tomorrow! =D

My Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Facebook Group
Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar on Facebook

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 9 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

I have to introduce this blog with a testimony from my close friend who is doing this diet with me:

"I started this a couple of days after Precious made her post and I can say that I have more energy and my joints do not hurt in the am when I wake up. I feel lighter and my bowels have been moving regularly. With all of this being said the key to weight loss is not trying to find a quick fix but doing what is necessary to transform your body from the inside out. In addition to the coconut oil and apple cider vinegar I am trying to eat healthy and I have been exercising as we'll as drinking plenty of water. My appetite has decreased but the key to healthy living and weight loss is to make sure you are fueling the fire. In other words, the more you exercise the more you have to eat in order to give your body the fuel it needs to loose the weight. This doesn't mean you overeat but you fuel your body with healthy choices. I believe that the coconut oil and apple cider vinegar are excellent choices for overall health even if you are not trying to lose weight."

What an awesome testimony! Thanks sis for keeping me accountable with this diet. Things like this teach you about discipline. They show you just how passionate you actually are. This morning it was nice to wake up to something consistent. Sometimes life has so many ups and downs. I remembered, "hey, I'm supposed to read Proverbs chapter 2, (I read the book of Proverbs the chapter for the day each day of the month) and drink my apple cider vinegar and my coconut oil and tea." I also started reading the whole Bible, starting in Genesis. on iPhones has this awesome dramatized reading of the King James Version that I was able to play at the breakfast table as a discussion point with my children. Great stuff!

As an aside, our spiritual health is important to build on just as much as our physical health. Adding prayer and study to your "diet" with a focus on introspection and growth can aid in your success with any health goal.

I feel healthier with this coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet, but I am ready to knock off more weight. My muscles feel more trim and I am loving the way my body seems to feel stronger overall. I think the first 8 days knocked an edge off of that candida issue. After bearing 5 children, my propensity to have candida was much higher than it was before. I'm grateful for this diet.

Last night, I got on the elliptical machine, and I was tired after just 6 minutes of workout. It was so late. Today I'm gonna try to do some more. I can't believe how "out-of-shape" I am. My goal is to do 20 minutes a day, at least 4 days per week, until I reach my target weight. Pray for me lol.

For your reading pleasure, I have attached a book about exercise:

You Are Your Own Gym, by Mark Lauren

It teaches some good things about losing belly weight, and no, you can't lose the belly fat by just doing sit-ups (Chap. 7)!!! :)

OK, so I hope this blog has been helping somebody! :) Grace and peace to you today. Short entry... :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 8 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Happy New Year blog friends and fam!!!!! What a great day to start the year, with a healthy diet that enables the body to function in a better way. Today I started with the organic apple cider vinegar and water mixture (3 tbsp acv, 1 cup water, then chased with a second glass of 1 cup water). Then I followed it with 2 tbsp of organic coconut oil and a delicious mug of TAZO zen "a harmonious blend of green tea with lemongrass & spearmint. It has a little bit of caffeine in it, I drank it with a little bit of sugar for taste, but it was pretty good! A little shopping showed me that you can buy this at Starbucks coffee shops and you can also buy this at the Walmart grocery section. I got the tea bags from Walmart. It tastes delicious. Green tea also has antioxidants and helps fight off illnesses. 

We celebrated our anniversary last night and I was happy to have some time to enjoy my husband. But there's never enough time you know? My goal weight is 140 pounds so my resolution is to take this extra energy I feel and start really exercising. A close friend of mine will be doing Zumba soon, I hope to join her. For now, I will probably do the DVDs at home. Looks like my actual weight is 175, which tells me my initial estimate must have been off by a little bit. However, now I will get to watch the results as I lose the weight!

Flushing out Candida

The quickest way to flush it out is to proactively use natural fermented foods, possibly kosher wine or sauerkraut. Another help to flush out candida is garlic oil supplements or extra virgin olive oil. The two that I have personally found most effective have been the apple cider vinegar and the coconut oil. 

For your reading pleasure, I found this book about a 90-day cure for Candida. If you decide that you are ready to be free from candida's negative effects on your body, but coconut oil and apple cider vinegar are not your preference, this book may provide other natural alternatives for you to try. But don't be surprised if you happen to see these two things in there! They really work, and are safe, even for pregnant and nursing women.

Well, happy new year! Have a blessed day, and may you get off to a great start :0)

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