Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 12 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Greetings fellow bloggers! I have been loving this whole blogging thing. And loving this coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet too! Who knew that it would have such a profound effect on the rest of my life? Wow. Not only do I have the clarity of mind to be able to do great tasks but my prayer life is better and also I just feel stronger overall.

So today I decided to try the little recipe on the back of my yogurt that says "add this to your lentil soup." I looked in my cabinet and noticed that I had some organic lentil soup just "sitting there" so I decided to get creative! I pulled both of them out and got a pot ready... mixed them together, and tried it. It wasn't so bad!

My daughter, Keziah
I ate one bowl and had to kinda "make" myself eat the rest. I guess it's an acquired taste. But it was an idea, tried. LOL :) Keziah liked it with me :) she's so sweet :)

Dieting sure does make you try crazy stuff huh? Well, how about kosher wine? Many say that kosher wine is good for you because it has antioxidants and fosters good health and even a good mood. If you don't drink, it's OK, apple cider vinegar also contributes to a healthy heart. And since many of us have apple cider vinegar in our cabinet anyway, here is a site that lists many different ailments that people have found apple cider vinegar to be a cure for:

If you want to use apple cider vinegar, but just tastes too "tart" for you to drink with water, there are pills created to help get them into the system:

Apple Cider Vinegar 300 mg - 200 Tablets
Apple Cider Vinegar Diet - 90 Tablets

Apple Cider Vinegar helped me a lot with heartburn when I was pregnant with my last four children, and coconut oil helped me whenever I would get thrush while pregnant with the last four children. I simply didn't know about these two things when I was pregnant with our first child. Needless to say, I gained about 55 pounds while pregnant with our first child, and I had nausea pretty much every day.

Part of the inspiration to start eating healthy for me came when we had our first son. I was stuck weighing 185 pounds, and at 5'3" that's really bad. I was starting to show signs of high blood pressure and was unable to lose the weight! I felt lethargic and in spite of working out, the weight would not drop. My hubby Kenny's friend gave him a copy of the book "Natural Cures That "They" Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau. Kenny began reading the book to me each night and I started trying to change my eating habits little by little. Our cabinets were filled with a thousand bottles of everything and I even bought coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, odorless garlic pills, a one-person trampoline, B-vitamins, and you name it, we bought it. We bought colon cleanses from the Herb Shop in Adel, Ga. (like Psyllium Whole Husks) and I personally was crazy enough to try iridology (see Iridology Simplified by Jensen, Bernard) and even the colon irrigation! Scary process, colon irrigation is. Won't do it again though.

We later read The Maker's Diet, by Rubin, Jordan, and learned about Kosher foods. Then we switched all of our meats to kosher. Bought organic foods. I started baking kosher chickens for dinner and eating them with Ezekiel Bread. I remember eating Ezekiel Bread with kosher Hebrew National hot dogs and organic ketchup. Delicious! But steer clear of the wheat spaghetti noodles (joke).

The things that I personally took away from the experience: Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil really work. Don't eat pork, shellfish or catfish. Eat high fiber cereals (like Grape Nuts) at least once every few days. Don't mix beef with cheese. Use organic foods whenever possible. Use separate cooking pans for fish versus other meats (like glass pans for fish). Avoid all kinds of artificial sugars. Use sea salt. Don't add MSG to foods. And know what you're eating before you eat it, as much as possible.

For your reading pleasure, I have to share this book:

The Maker's Diet, by Rubin, Jordan

It's a life-changer and was integral in the way that I view foods today. It talks a lot about the kosher diet too, and soil-based organisms, which author Jordan Rubin says helped him heal from a life-threatening disease of the bowels. Very inspiring book with recipes included.

OK, I shared a little bit of my life today hehe :) I hope it helps somebody :) God bless you, and have a great day!

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