Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet - How to Lose the Weight

Good morning to you,

I have noticed that a few of us who have been trying this diet for weight loss purposes have not been seeing the results that are desired early on. I want to encourage you that you're taking a step in the right
direction and also give some tips that might help to lose the weight as desired.

A "Spot" on My Finger

Last December, I got a cut on my finger that did not heal right due to me procrastinating on cleaning it out the first week or so. Well, when I got around to cleaning it, it didn't respond, but instead it grew hard, and then black, and then the black began to spread under my skin, so that it was not healthy skin.

So in April this year when my finger and hand still ached, I went online to find cures for skin cancer, because I did not have any health insurance, and I found Black Salve. As the product suggested, if it was cancer, then it would puss up and form an eschar and my healthy skin would push the cancerous skin out. Well it did that. To my horror, and comfort, the unhealthy skin fell out.

I met a woman with a doctorate in natural medicine who gave me instructions on how to deal with cancer in my body and I began taking her advice. The reason I am telling you all this is because I was desperate to get my health back, and within 2 weeks, I lost 15 pounds and felt so much healthier. This is what I did.

Avocado and Strawberry Spinach Salad
Green Diet

I had to take drastic measures to get my health back, so I stopped eating all sweets and meats and began eating only raw and cooked vegetables with olive oil and coconut oil, as well as nuts and beans. For juices, I would do only 100% juice.

Black Salve Bloodroot Pills

Along with applying the black salve, and afterward, keeping vaseline on the skin, I began taking the bloodroot salve pills internally to do an internal cleanse just to protect me from getting any internal spread if the spot was cancerous. The pills can be used as a detox cleanse if there is no cancer, but if there is, it can actually help the body to heal itself. So I took that 3 times a day with food. I don't recommend using the Black Salve pills for weight loss purposes. This is just what I did because of my need to detoxify my body behind the cancer threat.


My immune system, as my advisor told me, was very low, and needed to be repaired. So she prescribed to me a vitamin regimen that could help me regain my strength.

25 Amazing Benefits of Vitamin C
3 - 1000 mg Vitamin C - 3 times a day = 9000 mg/day!
1 - Vitamin B complex 100% pill - 3 times a day
1 - Vitamin A or Beta Carotene pill - 3 times a day

Taking these, I had to eat a lot of raw vegetables, so to make it fun, I would order vegetable-only sushi at the Publix seafood section, and try to make different types of salads.

Also, I would try frying the vegetables lightly in olive oil and sea salt and black pepper. This raw vegetable diet is much easier in the summer.

Joined a Gym

I joined a gym and began working out on the elliptical machine 3-4 times a week. The first two weeks of this diet and the gym habit were miraculous. I went down a pant size and lost 15 pounds. I have been feeling much healthier since that time frame.

Here is a good gym locator you can try:

The Baking Soda Drink

I drink the baking soda drink 3 times a day:

1 glass of water
The juice of 1 full lemon
2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
1 round tablespoon of baking soda

I've been using Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar lately, and it tastes delicious also.

The Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

1/2 cup of organic coconut oil per day
3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar per day
Some exercise
Anything else I decide to eat


I have found that when we are determined to get results that there is nothing that can get in our way. We will stop at nothing to make happen what we want to see happen. We find the money, we find the time, we get the clarity, we focus.

It's like:

"Even if I have to stop eating junk altogether, or make myself eat what I don't want to, I am going to weigh _____ by _____ date and wear a size ____ by _____ date."

So to all who are reading this and need to get off those pounds I pray for you the determination to get the results that you want, no matter what. "For with God nothing shall be impossible." - Luke 1:37.

My Finger

As for my finger, I have acquired health insurance and allowed them to biopsy my finger the other day, so I am praying for good results. Perhaps writing this blog today will help me to stay focused and keep up with the dieting and exercise.

Weight Loss

As for weight loss, it is much easier to start small and work our way up, but more of a challenge to blitz it out and do everything needed to make it happen with guaranteed results. I challenge you to press for the results, and get healthy. We are all sick and tired of being sick and tired, it's time for a change.

Thanks for reading my blog, hope to see you on Facebook :)
My Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Facebook Group
Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar on Facebook

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet - How to Make Soda Water at Home

Hello to you and salute to those who seek a healthy lifestyle.

For a great cleanse that will help alkalize your system, you can make soda water at home and mix it with your apple cider vinegar. All you have to do is take a glass of water, the juice from a whole lemon, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, and 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar. Drink it 3 times a day just like that.


To make this cleanse drink, here are the steps:

1) Get apple cider vinegar, 1 lemon, baking soda, and an 8 oz. glass of purified water. (I tried Bragg's this time, by recommendation. Its actually pretty good! ;) )

2) Squeeze the lemon into the water.

3) Pour 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar into the water.

4) Add 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda.

5) Stir it up.

6) Drink.

Voila! Homemade soda water with lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar.

For Your Studies

Researching the power of alkalizing your body, I found this really great article about a study done on baking soda usage and how it helped get people free from kidney dialysis after regular usage.

Special thanks to Mrs. Mary Ashley of Quitman, Ga. who gave me this recipe to help me heal naturally, it has changed my life.

I hope this blog has helped somebody today. Have a great day!


Thanks for reading my blog, hope to see you on Facebook :)
My Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Facebook Group
Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar on Facebook

Saturday, March 8, 2014

New Year, New Baby, Ready to Start the Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet!!!

Hello :) it's good to be back and blogging again. Hope that you are doing well today :)

Kaden Joshua Justice W-G
Well, my newborn son just turned 2 months old, so about 3 days ago, I decided to get serious again with the coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet. I have a new lifestyle working and going to school, and nursing the baby, so I have to get fit.

I started taking the coconut oil 2 tablespoons morning, mid-day, and nighttime before bed. I have seen a significant change in my metabolism, going from feeling "forever hungry" to feeling like I have eaten when I haven't yet eaten. I feel like my body is getting "well-oiled" and toxins are exiting my system also. It is a very liberating experience! This morning I got up and fed the baby, and after I took my coconut oil and apple cider vinegar and my prenatal vitamins, I ran in place for 50 minutes non-stop and felt rejuvenated afterward! It was awesome. I feel Great. That's why I want to share this with you.

Here is the regimen:

1/2 cup of organic coconut oil per day
3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar per day
Some exercise
Anything else I decide to eat

It's so simple and yet it works. I just had a baby and felt like I was retaining so much weight. The coconut oil and apple cider vinegar combined are excellent candida killers.

This website talks about all of the horrible effects that excess candida has on the body:

One of the times in life that a woman's body is likely to have excess yeast (candida) is after having a second or third child. Candida causes one to retain weight, and it can be draining also.

Needless to say, I feel great. Walmart has organic coconut oil by Spectrum for $6.98 a bottle now, and you can stock up and let it cleanse your system. I promise, I haven't been feeling like exercising that much until today. Today I feel like I can really beat this weight.

I told a friend of mine about this diet and he lost 16 pounds in the past 2 months and went down a pant size. I asked him to post on the group so that everyone could hear it from him, so maybe we will get his testimony soon.

My goal is to lose 35 pounds, that is, I weigh 185 (my new baby weight) and would like to get down to 150. So tonight, after the sun goes down, I will go to Walmart and buy a scale to track my weight. I am excited about the days to come. Ready to be nice and slim for the summer! Hope you will join me :)

Have a blessed day and if you want to be involved with others doing the diet, feel free to join the Facebook group and you can like the Facebook page too and add cool input. It will be fun to reach our goals together :)

See you tomorrow :) ~Precious