Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 11 of my Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Greetings fellow bloggers! What an awesome experience with this coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet! The past few days have been amazing, with friends contacting me letting me know that they are seeing success with the diet or thinking about trying it. And I am so grateful to be a part of that journey and y'all be a part of mine. The benefits of oil and fermented foods go back as far as ancient history, and oil and vinegar added to our diets do the same great things for us also. Here's my sis's latest updated on her diet:

"Things are going great. I did a Body Pump class yesterday as well as Zumba. I noticed that I am sweating more which has its health benefits. A friend stopped by today. I hadn't seen her since Christmas Eve. She told me that I had slimmed down since the last time she saw me and asked what I was doing. Of course I shared! Keep up the good work ladies! Cheers to better health!" 

After! (now it's organized :) )
Before (clutter-mania)
As for me, my old "brain blur" continues to be what seems to be permanently suspended. Today, I completed a week-long paper-clutter clearing project that was out of this world to me just months ago! My mind is just clear enough to be able to keep focused on the task! So I thank God for increased memory function since I started this diet. It was like the most awesome Christmas present I could get from the Lord to get the idea to do this, and the blog, and y'all's support has been so awesome! <3

Now that my "huge project" is completed, I can focus on what Really matters: ZUMBA!!!! Haha!!! =D


I will get about 20 minutes of Zumba in tonight and also, I did about 5 minutes of elliptical training yesterday (hard times with the 5 children bein' home) lol. Need Zumba too? Thanks Dalla for lettin' me get that DVD set you always puttin' a sista on! LOL!!! =D I still feel energetic and the most notable thing I feel is clarity of mind. I have been also enjoying the reading of the Bible and if you want to join that Facebook group you can click here.

Now I have to put y'all on:

100 Zumba Workouts That You Can Get Online for Free

Here's a 50-minute workout that you can do right now (the music is low, but it's free!)

Another collection of Zumba videos on YouTube (at Pintrest)

And if you want a Wii game of Zumba: Majesco Zumba Fitness Core Wii 1792

Or an X-Box game of Zumba? Majesco Zumba Fitness Core Kinect Xbox 360 1794

Zumba Toning Sticks
The official Zumba website: You can get the official DVDs there and even workout clothes!

The official toning sticks can be found here:

Here you can get them at Amazon:

Both supplied by Zumba Fitness, so the price is between $13.00 and $24.95 for a set. They make your workout more festive, and if you do it at the local gym, you can bring your own! :)

The cool thing about Zumba is it's being offered almost everywhere nowadays. Valdosta, Ga. has the classes at the YMCA, at the Recreation Center at the corner of E. Park Ave. and Forrest Street, and also other local gyms. I encourage you to find a local gym and get started with some great exercise!

Have a wonderful day, and I hope you'll join me on my journey to wellness with the coconut oil and apple cider vinegar diet.

For more diet support, contact me on Facebook!

Grace and peace!

My Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Facebook Group
Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar on Facebook

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